March 26, 2025

VanCougar Policies

The VanCougar encourages and welcomes comments on this site that relate to the stories covered or the style in which they are written.

There are some instances where comments will be edited or deleted as follows:

  1. Comments deemed to be spam or questionable spam will be deleted. Including a link to relevant content is permitted, but comments should be relevant to the post topic.
  2. Comments including profanity will be deleted.
  3. Comments containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive will be deleted.
  4. Comments that attack a person individually will be deleted.

The VanCougar reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to this website without notice. This comment policy is subject to change at any time.

Correction Policy
It is the policy of The VanCougar to correct errors.

Please contact the website manager via email at

The existence of advertising in The VanCougar is not meant as an endorsement of any product, service or individual by anyone except the advertiser.

Washington State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action educator and employer.

Letters to the Editor

The VanCougar welcomes brief letters (250 words or fewer) from members of the WSU Vancouver community on current issues. Letters must include the author’s full name, contact information and WSU affiliation: year and major for students, department for faculty and staff, degree and year for graduated alumni. The VanCougar rarely publishes anonymous letters.

Priority is given to letters that relate directly to stories printed in The VanCougar. The VanCougar also welcomes guest commentaries of 550 words or fewer addressing issues of general interest to the WSU Vancouver community.

Letters and commentaries should focus on issues, not personalities. Personal attacks and anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. The VanCougar reserves the right to edit for space, libel, obscene material and clarity. The views expressed are solely those of the individual authors.

Letters and suggestions may be delivered to the Office of Student Involvement, The VanCougar office (VDEN 160) or emailed to