About Us
The VanCougar Newsmagazine is a WSU Vancouver student organization that features news, stories and profiles of prominent faculty and students around campus. The VanCougar is comprised of students who are deeply involved and connected across this campus. Our publications include a monthly print magazine distributed at newsstands throughout campus at the beginning of each month and an online newsletter with stories posted right here, at http://thevancougar.com.
Mission Statement
The VanCougar is a student-run newsmagazine informing and engaging with the WSU Vancouver community while practicing the highest standards of timely, ethical journalism.

Midori Davis
Position: Editor-in-Chief
Standing: Senior
Major: Digital Technology & Cluture

Jordhen Wangchuk
Position: Managing Editor
Standing: Senior
Major: Finance & Accounting

Joel Hamersley
Position: Layout Manager
Standing: Senior
Major: Digital Technology & Culture

Jonah Barnett
Position: Layout Manager
Standing: Junior
Major: Chemistry

Scarlet Mason
Position: Reporter
Standing: Senior
Major: Psychology

Pip Swinger
Position: Reporter
Standing: Sophmore
Major: Anthropology, Digital Technology and Culture

Josh Torres
Position: Layout Editor
Standing: Senior
Major: Digital Technology and Culture