March 9, 2025

Proud VanCougs pose with the WSU flag on recreation trip. (Cambri Shanahan/ Recreational Coordinatior)

Student’s Embark on Summer Adventures with the Recreation Program

Whitewater rafting, rock climbing, hiking, paddleboarding and sea kayaking are some adventures students embarked on over summer break with the recreation coordinator, Cambri Shanahan. 

WSU Vancouver’s recreational program kicked off the summer activities with a hike to the summit of Angel’s Rest. After about a five mile uphill hike, students were able to take in a view of the Columbia River Gorge.

Five days after the hike, Shanahan, two student-interns and nine students went on a road trip to the town of Winthrop, Washington. Nestled in the North Cascades, students had one full day of outdoor rock-climbing followed by one full day of white-water rafting down the Methow River. 

Cody Cichoszrock climbs in Winthrop, Washington.
(Photo courtesy of Joel Lindberg)

Cody Cichosz, the adventure facilitator and a senior engineering major said, “It was so cool seeing a part of Washington state I’d never seen before. It definitely makes me want to go back … the views and rock climbing were amazing.” 

Joel Lindberg, a junior entrepreneurship major, said he enjoyed the planned activities. He said a personal highlight for him was when he did not give up on any of his climbs and completed all the routes he attempted. 

After hiking, rock-climbing and whitewater rafting, the recreation center continued their adventures. In mid-July, students went on the White Salmon River whitewater rafting trip. 

Cichosz said, “Something crazy that happened on the rafting trip was that everyone except for me and the raft guide got thrown overboard. It was new for me — pretty exciting.”

Concluding the summer recreation program, 10 student adventurers and two staff spent August 8 through 11 kayaking around the Puget Sound.  Early Friday morning, the group met their guides at Gooseberry Point and continued onto the Clark and Lummi islands where they paddled and explored by day and camped on the nearby islands until Sunday.

Recent WSU Vancouver graduate and business major, Sterling Fletcher who has been on more than twenty trips said, “The cost of everything is so subsidized; you’d be crazy not to sign up for these trips.” 

Students whitewater rafting on the Methow River.
(Photo courtesy of Andrew Nevue)

Fletcher expressed his hope to see the recreation program grow in the upcoming years. “I hope more money is allocated so that they can bring more students on these trips,” Fletcher said. “We’ve got a van; we need a bus!”

Shanahan said she believes that the Recreational Program is a huge contributing factor to campus identity. “It definitely builds camaraderie, embracing and instilling positive culture on campus, and I think that that’s important for people’s identity,” Shanahan said. 

Shanahan’s goal is “Getting [students] out of their comfort zone and realizing how un-intimidating it can be … Because it translates to so many other aspects of life.” Shanahan said.

Finding your place on campus can be intimidating with all the clubs and activities offered, but if you are looking to break out of your comfort zone while meeting and bonding with other Vancougs, the recreation program offers activities year-round. 

Senior Joshua Yoes, digital technology and culture major, said, “I’ve been involved on campus … worked on campus … been to a lot of clubs, and I think honestly, the best way to meet people is on trips.”

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