February 22, 2025

Sky Wilson resigns as Student Diversity Center adviser

Posters bring campus hiring process into question

Sky Wilson introduces Massamba Diop at event on Sept. 12, 2018. (Laura Dutelle/WSU Vancouver)

Today, Sky Wilson, the adviser of the WSU Vancouver Student Diversity Center, announced his resignation. The direct reasons for his resignation remain undisclosed. In the resignation email, Wilson stated “I’ve appreciated the opportunity to work with some really amazing people during my time at WSU Vancouver. My last day on campus will be Monday, December 17th.”

Prior to his resignation and as Thanksgiving break came to a close, posters appeared around the WSU Vancouver Student Diversity Center asking, “Where’s Sky?” The posters and buttons, which were reportedly put up by students and not the Diversity Center, questioned the campuses current hiring process for the Director of Student Equity and Outreach, a currently vacant position on campus.

Wilson, who had been the Diversity Center adviser since 2017, said in an interview with The VanCougar on Nov. 30, regarding the posters, “I believe that [the posters] was more of a commentary about the process of hiring the new Director of Student Diversity and Outreach, rather than commentary on me.”

The signs, buttons and pins in the Diversity Center have since been removed and The VanCougar was unable to identify who made them.

Manuel Avalos, a public affairs major at WSU Vancouver and active Student Diversity Center visitor said, in regards to Wilson’s resignation, “Management didn’t treat him [Wilson] how I personally believe he should be treated.” Avalos later added, “Sky [Wilson] was not considered for that position [Director of Student Equity and Outreach] even though in the opinion of the students, he is the best candidate.”

Wilson, who has a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary studies, said, “My vision of this space [Student Diversity Center] is one that bridges the gap between the campus and the community.” Wilson explained that he has worked in various diversity centers and that within those centers he “found a home.” In his role as SDC adviser, he said he wanted to create a home for students of color and students who are “historically underserved.” Wilson said he applied for the Director of Student Equity and Outreach position to “continue the work” he had been doing on the WSU Vancouver campus since 2017.

Wilson later added, “The job description for that position [Director of Student Equity and Outreach] changed between the time Anthony Kelley was the director and the new call [to fill the position].”

The position, previously titled Director of Student Diversity (rather than “equity”) and Outreach, was first created in Feb. of 2004. The position was the only diversity position on campus until 2014 when the position of Student Diversity Center adviser was added.

“Every time we hire someone new for a position, regardless of what the position is, we take a look at it to make sure the position is meeting the needs of students as well as meeting the needs of our unit and the university as a whole,” Helen Gregory, the administrative manager of Student Affairs and Enrollment at WSU Vancouver said with regards to the new position. “When somebody leaves, that’s when you want to take a look at the position and say ‘how has it changed in the time that this person has been here, what is being done effectively and what do we need to do to move forward.” According to the position description, the Director of Student Equity and Outreach has a multitude of duties, both on and off campus, ranging from increasing college access for low-income and first-generation students to providing programming and leadership opportunities.

Gregory said “Some students from the Student Diversity Center didn’t feel like we [the hiring committee] had considered Sky [Wilson], and we did.”

Gregory said she hopes to have the position filled in January, however, due to the extensive hiring process, she expects the position to be filled later. In addition, as of Dec. 17, the position for Student Diversity Center adviser will be vacant.

Director of Student Equity and Outreach Position Description:

  • 35 percent of duties include community outreach, engagement and recruitment. These duties include building professional relationships with a focus on increasing general college access and access for low-income, first-generation and students of color. 
  • 20 percent of duties include oversight of student retention. This job function includes providing leadership, programming and support for underrepresented students. 
  • 15 percent of duties include resource acquisition and grants. This duty includes identifying and actively pursuing secure local, state and federal grants to support college access and the recruitment and retention of underrepresented students. 
  • 15 percent of duties include diversity and equity training. This job function includes training and education on issues of diversity and equity for students and Student Affairs and Enrollment staff
  • 10 percent of duties include supervision and leadership. This duty includes providing overall leadership and supervision of the Student Diversity Center. 
  • 5 percent of duties include providing general support to Student Affairs and Enrollment. 

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