February 22, 2025

Letter from the Editor-In-Chief

To the WSU Vancouver community,


My name is Olivia Eldredge and I want to introduce myself as The VanCougar Newsmagazine’s editor-in-chief for the fall semester of 2022! For the past three years, I have moved through the organization as a reporter, copy editor and managing editor, and now I am proud to enter my role as the newsmagazine’s new leader — working alongside our current managing editor, Gracie Newberry. I am surrounded by a remarkable, talented and creative team of people who are ready to put everything they have into our wonderful publication, and I am confident we are prepared to serve the WSU Vancouver community with a continued legacy of professionalism that will never subside.


I want to reveal to all of our readers that we have many changes coming to The VanCougar — new columns, a different layout and exciting ideas that I believe you all will really enjoy seeing. Our publication is not just about simply providing accurate and timely news on campus but wholly reflects the community that we have all cultivated and built together. In all of my years with The VanCougar, I have seen our campus grow and change, and as your dedicated news publication, we will continue to grow and change alongside it.


Speaking of change, I want to recall a quote I said in my last letter as managing editor earlier this year: “…I would like to publicly implore the university to get its student media presence back on track by providing additional support, resources and avenues for encouraging student engagement.” Over the summer, there have been many positive improvements within the Office of Student Involvement, and I can confidently say that WSU Vancouver is doing its very best to support our publication with our needs and goals as we transition into a new academic year. The VanCougar is now well equipped with an adviser who has immense knowledge in journalism, and an amazing staff from OSI who are all helping us out thoroughly. It has been such a pleasure to work with each and every one of these individuals — I want to say thank you to all of them for their guidance and assistance, and thank you to our readers for continuing to read and support our content.


Although major global events had huge impacts on WSU Vancouver’s students, staff, faculty and everyone who surrounds the campus, we have all stood strong in the face of uncertainty. The VanCougar will always be here to uphold the highest of journalistic standards, and deliver everyone with the most timely and transparent news as it applies to our university.


As always, we welcome constructive feedback, story submissions, op-ed pieces and letters to the editor sent to van.vc.editor@wsu.edu pertaining to our organization and affairs happening in the community — The VanCougar wants to hear from you. We also encourage existing and incoming students to apply for our open reporter and copy editor positions on Coug Presence. From all of us at The VanCougar, we are so excited to be back for another great year!


Best regards,

2022 Editor-In-Chief 

Olivia Eldredge

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