Hey VanCougs,
My name is Emily Baumann, and I’m a senior and integrated strategic communication major with a minor in digital technology and culture. I’ve been a part of The VanCougar since the beginning of my freshman year at WSU Vancouver, and will be serving as your editor-in-chief again this year.
For those not familiar with our publication, The VanCougar Newsmagazine is a student-run organization that informs and engages with the WSU Vancouver community while practicing the highest standards of timely, ethical journalism. We encourage you to keep in touch with us throughout the year, as our highest priority is to hold the university accountable by giving a voice to students and facilitating necessary conversations around campus.
Coming from my own perspective as a student who has been heavily involved on campus in the past, it has saddened me to see student life take a back seat due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused clubs and other organizations to slip through the cracks with no efficient way to recover. This is why my ultimate goal for this year is to not only inform you of the news happening around WSU Vancouver, but to help revamp our community collaboration.
I’m sure a lot of you have heard the classic advice said at ROAR orientation, and other events,
encouraging students to simply “get involved” with the student body, however, this statement now carries a major weight of importance. As most of us are likely drained from the pandemic, a lesson I’ve learned is that it’s valuable to stay connected with your peers and invest in relationships, whether this be over Zoom or in person. While we should still proceed with caution (given the pandemic is far from over), I urge VanCougs to really “get involved” by being socially active, and fostering a diverse and caring environment that helps us build each other up as we walk through another year of uncertainty, together.
My team and I look forward to working with you and we welcome ideas, constructive criticism and submissions of your incredible stories! If you are interested in joining a fun and hardworking team, applications for our photographer, reporter and copy editor positions can be found on Handshake or Coug Presence. Also, make sure to keep an eye out for our monthly issues, which can be accessed by signing up to our mailing list via thevancougar.com or finding them on stands around campus.
We’ll see you around!
2021/2022 Editor-in-Chief
Emily Baumann

Emily is a senior studying integrated strategic communication at WSU Vancouver.