January 22, 2025

Letter from the Editor

A letter from the editor

By Emily Baumann

Since joining The VanCougar my freshman year, I had always pictured myself being in this role, but I could never have prepared for these circumstances. When the pandemic began and our world shifted to a new “normal,” the exhilarating idea of being Editor-in-Chief had now become terrifying.

I soon realized my team and I would have to get creative, revamp our entire system on how we make and publish our magazine. At first, it all became overwhelming, but with some time to reflect, I believe this opportunity gives The VanCougar room to grow and implement new and exciting ideas within our publication. While working under two fabulous Editor-in-Chiefs, Bailley Simms and Anna Nelson, they have inspired me to push forward in these unprecedented times. I can never thank them enough for their knowledge, honesty and endless support.

(Emily Baumann / The Vancougar)

I have always known journalism was essential, a tool used by the public to speak their truth. However, with recent events emerging from the Black Lives Matter movement and the unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Elijah McClain and countless other names we know and may not know, solidifies the importance of news publications to provide a platform for the voices we have not previously had the privilege to hear.

Our mission statement is as follows: “The VanCougar is a student-run newsmagazine informing and engaging with the WSU Vancouver community while practicing the highest standards of timely, ethical journalism.”

This statement has always held a weight of responsibility, but it is heavier now. Moving forward, The VanCougar plans to deliver you timely and ethical news, whether it be by print or online. To be honest with you, I do not know what the future will look like for The VanCougar or WSU Vancouver in these next few years. However, if I can make one promise to you all, it is that we as an organization will always advocate for the silent voices and those who need to be heard. We will continue to share, learn from and listen to your stories.

Although this year may show to be unpredictable, I am looking forward to serving you as Editor-In-Chief. As always, I hope to hear your ideas, suggestions and criticism to continuously improve our publication.

Be sure to keep an eye out for us in your WSU inboxes by subscribing to our newswire here, and if you have a story to share you can email me at van.vc.editor@wsu.edu.

For more information about the Black Lives Matter Movement and where to donate, the organization’s website can be found here. Also, refer to the Equity and justice resources assembled by WSU Vancouver.

Although we may be apart, I am looking forward to working together with all of you this upcoming school year. 

With gratitude and love,

2020/2021 Editor-in-Chief

Emily Baumann

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